Mt. Asama ( 浅間山, Asama-yama )



Happy New Year!

At first glance one may think this is Mt. Fuji but it’s far from it. It’s a local mountain in my area that gets frosty in the winter and I have coined it the local Fuji.Mt Asama is 2,568 m (8,425 ft) high while Mt. Fuji is 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft 3 in). Besides appearance, another characteristic these mountains both have is that they are active volcanos.

Hmm, what am I doing living in his island full of active volcanos….ha, I had no idea Mt. Asama was active, see how Hive improves your life? It makes you do research. On the other hand, thanks to volcanos, we can enjoy natural hot springs, the local monkeys 🙊 love them too.


Mt. Asama is located on the Honshū island on the border of Gunma and Nagano prefectures and is said to be the most active volcanos in Honshū ( I didn’t know that until now 😮).

Informative facts aside, the Mountain certainly is a beauty as it stands out from all the others around it with its coat of snow at the top. I took these photos while I was at a park with the family today in Ashikaga city in Tochigi prefecture. We met up with some other families who were in town for the New Years holidays. My mind told me to bring the camera with me and I’m glad I did. I took a little trek across the road and found this scene. Hope you enjoy it!

Any Volcanos in your area? Or am I the only one?



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