Views from the carnival in Aachen

They celebrate in the streets

The Aachener Karneval, affectionately known in Oecher Platt as the Fasteleer, is a dazzling display of local spirit and vibrant traditions that captures the heart of the city. As winter wanes, Aachen transforms into a riot of colors, music, and laughter, heralding a time when the ordinary gives way to the extraordinary.


Hey Hive Family
let us travel the world again
and collect great pictures
today from Carnival in Aachen

It starts in November

Kicking off on the 11th of November at precisely 11:11 a.m., the carnival season escalates into a crescendo of festivity, culminating in the days leading up to Lent.

In this special time, Aachen is awash with Jecken—the carnival revelers—who don elaborate costumes and masks to roam the streets, embodying the jest and jubilation of the season. From the whimsical to the satirical, these disguises serve not just as attire but as a ticket to an alternate world, where the rules of the mundane are momentarily suspended. The ceremonial handover of the city keys by the mayor to the Narren symbolizes this topsy-turvy shift, ushering in a period where laughter reigns supreme and social hierarchies are playfully upended.


The Celebration for All People on Rosenmontag

Rosenmontag in Aachen is an explosion of communal joy and a spectacle that binds the city in a shared celebration of life's fleeting pleasures. The streets brim with anticipation as the grand parade sets the city ablaze with creativity and camaraderie. Amidst the sea of spectators, the air vibrates with music, from age-old Karnevalslieder to the latest hits, all playing their part in the day's euphoria.


The parade is a masterpiece of local wit and ingenuity, with floats parading caricatures of the day's socio-political scenes, eliciting roars of laughter and applause. The tradition of tossing Kamelle and Rosen to the crowd is more than mere fun; it's a symbol of generosity and interaction, binding the Jecken and onlookers in a mutual embrace of festivity.


Rosenmontag sees Aachen dissolving its boundaries, inviting all to join in the dance, the laughter, and the song. The festivities spill into the night, with every nook and corner of the city echoing with the joyous sounds of Fasteleer, as people of all ages celebrate the carnival's peak in unity and mirth.




Great sound

Even if the music they play is a bit different for my metal ears


Di jecke Trupp


Listen to a "deschawu"

OK, they have fun and it seems to be a good place to celebrate this party.

Best costume of the day

He looks like a beer. I love it.

All About the Kinderkarnevall on Sunday

The Kinderkarnevall is a testament to Aachen's dedication to ensuring the flame of tradition burns bright in the hearts of its youngest. This day, drenched in sunlight and laughter, is crafted for the children, turning the city into a playground of dreams and wonder. Little ones, decked in their carnival best, parade through Aachen's streets, their faces glowing with pride and excitement.

My best pic of this day

A blonde with a beart pictures the carnival while I picture him




Some kind of pirates


I had no clue about their message


The children's parade is a smaller, yet no less enchanting, counterpart to Rosenmontag's grandeur. Here, the Pänz (kids) are the stars, leading their own processions with floats that they've helped create, showcasing their creativity and the vibrant future of Fasteleer.

Beyond the parade, the city buzzes with activities catered to young imaginations—puppet shows that bring fairy tales to life, magic acts that dazzle, and games that engage. The Kinderkarnevall is not just an event; it's a heartwarming introduction to the customs and joy of the carnival, ensuring that the spirit of Fasteleer is cherished and continued by the next generation of Aacheners.

Drunken shark


The Kinderprinz


The big cleaning

The last part of the "Zuch" is the people in orange who clean the city.


The location

All his pictures were taken around the Theater of Aachen. See the Pin on #Pinmapple to find this place to enjoy the next Carnival in Aachen

Aachen close-up


Aachen in Europe


Have a great day everybody
and let us travel the world again

pic by @detlev

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