So ya, we have 7 cats now...


Photo by me

We are cat people


A few days ago, we brought Dusty home with us. My daughter and her boyfriend have been raising Dusty since the day he was born and she has grown extremely close to him. His mother was not able to provide the proper nourishment that his little body needed, so our daughter has been supplementing his diet with bottles to help him grow.


Photo by me

Well, Dusty was not the only kitten at the time. The mother cat gave birth to 5 kittens, but in the first couple days, three of them had died due to the mother not being able to take care of all of them. Luna, pictured above, was most likely the last one born and she was left abandoned by the mother, but luckily our daughter's boyfriend found her pretty quickly the next morning and was able to bring her back to the mother.


Photo by me

After we brought Dusty home, we decided that these two kittens needed to be with each other again, so we brought Luna home as well. Now, I know what a lot of people are thinking, because we are thinking the same thing. Seven cats is a lot, but we needed to bring these ones in and make sure they are being cared for.


Photo by me

Our older cats have gotten used to the new additions very quickly and they have been sure to welcome them into the family. Last night, Sophie, our oldest cat, was with Luna and she brought her close to her and snuggled her and rubbed the top of her head all over her, making sure that her scent was put on her.


Photo by me

Keiichi loves to watch over things and make sure the babies are not getting into trouble. Keiichi is the biggest of all the cats now and he makes sure that they are all getting along.


Photo by me

I tried doing a little photo shoot with the kittens today, but that didn't work out as planned because they are so easily distracted with everything.


Photo by me

It also didn't help that all the other cats were interested in the toys that my wife was using to try and get the babies' attention. Rusty was more interested in the toy than Dusty was.


Photo by me

Luna is just a small fluff ball. The dogs love to have her close and cuddle with her.


Photo by me

Our son is planning on moving out this weekend, so I am going to be working on trying to make his old room a cat palace. I think it would be awesome to have a few cat towers in there and some ledges that the cats can all lay on.


Photo by me

I am hoping to be able to get some better shots of all my cats individually. I may have to set up my nice strobes and bring them all in one by one for their own photoshoots. Cats are so much harder to get pictures of though because they do their own thing and don't really respond to treats like dogs do.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my little fluff balls. You are awesome!

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