Capturing spontaneous moments with my friends at the seashore [Eng- Esp]








Greetings friends of Photography Lover, going through my gallery I found some pictures of my friends that I took in a memorable afternoon we spent together in a bar near the coast of the beach municipality here in Havana, specifically one of the bars that are located on 3rd and 70th street in front of the sea.

As always, I had my camera with me and my friends kept asking me to take pictures of them. My friends, Yordanka and Naylé are the ones who jumped into the session the fastest. Naylé, in particular, is the most insistent. She knows I like to capture spontaneous moments, but with her there is no way. She's always posing and if she thinks I'm going to take a picture of her, she corrects her pose on the spot. In fact, she is the one who asks me for the most photos and, therefore, the one I take the most photos of.

Yordanka, on the other hand, is calmer and more serious, as she is the oldest of us all. Even so, she also allows herself to be photographed by my camera.

Saludos amigos de Photography Lover, revisando mi galería encontré unas fotos de mis amigos que tomé en una tarde memorable que pasamos juntos en un bar cerca de la costa del municipio playa aquí en La Habana, específicamente uno de los bares que están ubicados en la calle 3 y 70 frente al mar.

Como siempre, llevaba mi cámara conmigo y mis amigas no paraban de pedirme que les tomara fotos. Mis amigas, Yordanka y Naylé son las que más rápido se lanzaron a la sesión. Naylé, en particular, es la más insistente. Sabe que me gusta captar momentos espontáneos, pero con ella no hay manera. Siempre está posando y si cree que la voy a retratar, corrige su pose al momento. De hecho, es la que más fotos me pide y, por tanto, a la que más fotos hago.

Yordanka, en cambio, es más tranquila y seria, ya que es la mayor de todos nosotros. Aun así, también se deja fotografiar por mi cámara.














Of the boys, the one we call "the cutie" is Reinier. He is very detailed in his appearance, he always likes to be well presented, fashionable, well groomed and combed, everything has to be perfect for him. He even made me delete several photos that didn't look the way he likes them. But, despite his perfectionism, he is a great friend and I always please him.

De los chicos, al que llamamos "el cuqui" es Reinier. Es muy detallista en su aspecto, siempre le gusta estar bien presentado, a la moda, bien pelado y peinado, todo tiene que estar perfecto para él. Incluso me hizo borrar varias fotos que no quedaban como a él le gustaban. Pero, a pesar de su perfeccionismo, es un gran amigo y siempre le complazco.




There is Leo, a simple guy who loves sports. He is a great friend and his only desire is to have a good time and maintain a lively atmosphere, without asking for anything in return. His main hobby is to be happy and make sure his friends are happy, a great guy.

Ahí está Leo, un tipo sencillo al que le encanta el deporte. Es un gran amigo y su único deseo es pasarlo bien y mantener un ambiente animado, sin pedir nada a cambio. Su principal afición es ser feliz y que sus amigos lo sean, un gran tipo.








Here I present Cristian, this is my best friend, we have been together in good times and bad, we have always supported each other, he is a guy who has earned my trust and for whom I feel a great affection and admiration, without forgetting that he has to put a north in his life, I know he has gone through many emotional problems and that's why I understand him and I don't pressure him. As you may notice he is a bit like me, although I like to take pictures I don't like to have them taken, it is very difficult to take him unexpectedly, he is always alert, only at my request I managed to take this one that you can see here.

Aquí les presento a Cristian, este es mi mejor amigo, hemos estado juntos en las buenas y en las malas, siempre nos hemos apoyado, es un chico que se ha ganado mi confianza y por el que siento un gran cariño y admiración, sin olvidar que tiene que poner un norte en su vida, sé que ha pasado por muchos problemas emocionales y por eso lo entiendo y no lo presiono. Como podrán notar es un poco como yo, aunque me gusta tomar fotos no me gusta que me las tomen, es muy difícil tomarlo imprevisto, siempre está alerta, solo a petición mía logré tomar esta que pueden ver aquí.


We had a great time together that afternoon. It was one of those happy moments that I share with my friends. As I'm the photographer, I don't usually appear in the pictures, only in this one you see here that Cristian took it for having taken one of his hahaha . Actually, the most important thing for me is to be with them and create an unforgettable moment, as it was that day.

> Esa tarde la pasamos genial juntos. Fue uno de esos momentos felices que comparto con mis amigos. Como soy el fotógrafo, no suelo aparecer en las fotos, solo en esta que ven aquí que me la tomó Cristian por haberle tomado una a él jajaja . En realidad, lo más importante para mí es estar con ellos y crear una momento inolvidables, como fue ese día.


I took advantage of the occasion and took some pictures of the decoration which was with light bulbs until they were illuminated. I hope you liked my photos and meet my best friends. For me it is very important the special moments we share together, hugs!

Aproveché la ocasión e hice algunas fotos de la decoración que era con bombillas hasta que se iluminaron. Espero que les hayan gustado mis fotos y conocer a mis mejores amigos. Para mi es muy importante los momentos especiales que compartimos juntos, ¡abrazos!







Espero que les haya gustado este post, muchas gracias por dedicarle un pedacito de su tiempo

I hope you liked this post, thank you very much for dedicating a little bit of your time

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