Behind my lens / Detrás de mi lente


Hello friends of Hive, I wish you a profitable week and with very good vibes. Today I want to show you some pictures I've been taking, I want to organize them little by little so I can show you all the images I've been capturing with my lens.
I really like to photograph moments that I would like to keep static forever. When I get behind my lens I observe carefully and at the moment that a connection is created between my eye and what I observe, that's when I CLICK, because I would like it to stop, I don't get that, but I can through my camera, freeze that moment in time.
My wife likes to be photographed and I do it, she is the model I like to portray the most (although I'm not one to use models hahaha) I love the improvised photos and although many times I let her pose for me, she doesn't know that I have others that I take when she doesn't see me hahaha and I'm going to show her three of them (shhhhh don't tell her).
My wife likes to be photographed and I do it, she is the model I like to portray the most (although I'm not one to use models hahaha) I love the improvised photos and although many times I let her pose for me, she doesn't know that I have others that I take when she doesn't see me hahaha and I'm going to show her three of them (shhhhh don't tell her).

Hola amigos de Hive, les deseo una semana provechosa y con muy buena vibra. Hoy quiero mostrarles algunas fotos que he estado tomando, quiero organizarlas poco a poco para poder mostrarles todas las imágenes que he estado capturando con mi lente.
Me gusta mucho fotografiar momentos que me gustaría conservar estáticos para siempre. Cuando me pongo detrás de mi lente observo detenidamente y en el momento que se crea una conexión entre mi ojo y lo que observo, es cuando hago CLICK, porque me gustaría que se detuviera, eso no lo consigo, pero si puedo a través de mi cámara, congelar ese momento en el tiempo.
A mi mujer le gusta que la fotografíe y lo hago, es la modelo que más me gusta retratar (aunque no soy de usar modelos jajaja) me encantan las fotos improvisadas y aunque muchas veces la dejo posar para mí, no sabe que tengo otras que hago cuando ella no me ve jajaja y les voy a enseñar tres de ellas (shhhhh no se lo digan).





One of them we were on our way to the Malecon in Havana and the other two were already there.

Una de ellas la tomé caminando por las calles de la Habana y las otras dos frente al mar.


On one of our walks to the Malecon I saw a boy coming fast riding skates along the Malecon wall and I automatically grabbed the camera and took this picture which I liked very much.

En uno de nuestros paseos al malecón vi a un muchacho que venía rápido montando en patines por el muro del Malecón y automáticamente cogí la cámara y saqué esta foto que me gustó mucho.


Also a couple...

También una pareja...


In the distance, unperturbed, stands that tireless sentinel, guiding with his lighthouse all the boats approaching the coast, so that they reach safe harbor.
Greetings to all, I hope you enjoy these photos, best regards.

A lo lejos, imperturbable, se alza ese centinela incansable, guiando con su faro a todas las embarcaciones que se acercan a la costa, para que lleguen a buen puerto.
Saludos a todos, espero que disfrutéis con estas fotos, un saludo.

Espero que les haya gustado este post, muchas gracias por dedicarle un pedacito de su tiempo

I hope you liked this post, thank you very much for dedicating a little bit of your time

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