I didn't know if I should post this.


There's a road near where I live that is lovely to drive, through the countryside and has some fantastic bends and curves, obviously these need to be taken at lower speeds, but I love how this road twists and turns.

The weather was pretty good last night, so I thought I'd try and get some shots of the said road, looking down directly on it.


The light was beautiful, and timing it right so there was no cars directly below the drone was a bit of a pain, however I managed to get some shots, but I thought the images where just lacking something.

I messed around joining images, etc, and then I just flipped then, and they I love the result, some form of abstract point of view, that looks familiar, but kind of plays with the senses.


I love the way the images draw you in as you look and try to figure out what the hell they are about lol.

I do like these for something a little bit different, however, I am off work tomorrow and really hoping I can get out with my camera (and drone), hopefully over to the peaks again.

I'm also looking forward to the first week in June as I'm off to the Lake District, so this will be instead of the trip in March that had to be cancelled. Really excited for this one.

That's it from me tonight though, I hope you are all well and thanks for taking time to check out my blog.

All the best :-)

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