ReGeneration- a project centered around nature's Generative Art

I’d like to share my latest project with you, a series called ReGeneration, a multi-year project studying Nature’s Generative Art.

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These cracks and tiles form in the most desolate places on earth as the barren landscape responds to the dual forces of moisture and heat. As a nature photographer and someone who cares deeply for this land- these small scenes provide a graphic and visceral look into the simultaneous fragility and resilience of our natural world.

Last month I started releasing This body of work as a series of 1/1 NFT’s, minted on the ReGEN Manifold Contract and then listed for auction on Foundation. Each token will contain metadata properties based on the location, conditions, season, time of day, type of formation, as well as technical camera info. I also decided to add hex color data!

Cracked and Smeared -ReGeneration #5.jpg

For those that have spent time with me in the NFT community I think it’s pretty clear that my goal has been to build up artists, promote photography, and facilitate communication. Some of you I met through the Twitter spaces I hosted early on, some through the Metajungle Artist feedback AMAs I cohosted with Mike Schmidt and others. And some of you I’ve just graciously met through introductions from friends or late night ridiculous convos in groups chats.

Eye of the Desert - ReGeneration #2.jpg

This project is my next step. A place to show work that is incredibly personal and meaningful to me as an artist, a way to offer additional community and utility, and show appreciation for the people that have supported my journey as an artist.

Out of Place - ReGeneration #7.jpg

Series Size

This is an open series, meaning I don’t intend to place a hard cap on the number of images that will be released. This is a significant, ongoing part of my photographic legacy and I don’t intend to stop photographing this subject and telling this story. At the time of launch, I have roughly 75 mud tile images ready to release. I have a backlog of nearly 300 more to choose from. I expect that they will just keep getting more unique as I find new areas and new types of tiles.

Future Plans and Community

As with any long-term goal, things will develop and change. My plan is to involve the collectors of this work in the incentives, rewards, charitable donations, and future additions to this project. I hope to welcome and engage each of you in this process. Nothing would honor me more than having art in your collection and calling you a friend.

If you would like to join this community you can see any live listings and previous collected pieces on Foundation. My website has more details on how all the community rewards work.

Here are the links-

The collection home on my website
The collection on Foundation
My profile on Twitter

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