I found a colorful new mural in my city and took photos of my Lincoln MKZ in front of it


It's been a minute since I last posted about my Lincoln MKZ. I've begun to get quite comfortable with this gorgeous car. I've very satisfied with my purchase.

One bit of bad news recently is that my go-to car wash here downtown has temporarily closed for upgrades. It's not supposed to be back open until August. It's very disheartening to know that as soon as this beautiful weather arrives, I no longer have a place to get my new car washed. I was spoiled with getting it washed 1-2 times per week.

I've decided that I will just take the time to hand wash it myself every few weeks. The only thing is, I don't have a space here at my apartment to do that. This means I will either have to go to one of the wash-yourself places around town and pay. That, or I could go back to my old ways of washing my car at the bottom of my parent's steep driveway. I know they wouldn't mind me doing that, but it's a lot of work driving over there and then dragging all of the stuff out. I do miss getting to wash my own car though, it's been years.

Thankfully, after the last time I got my car washed I was able to get some photos of it. I somehow never knew about this mural that I found, despite it being only a few minutes from where I live. It's super colorful and totally my style. I got lucky that there were not a ton of cars in the parking lot, but still, it still wasn't as secluded as I usually prefer. I just couldn't miss the chance to photograph my beauty with the awesome art.

I have no idea who the artist is, but I wish I could tell them thank you for creating such a mural. I know this must have taken a long time to complete. It makes me wonder how long it has actually been there. I would love to go back and take portraits of humans rather than my car, but I haven't had the opportunity to do that yet. Perhaps later on in the future once I meet somebody again who actually likes to photograph and be photographed.

I still am convinced that the rear of my MKZ is the best-looking part. Kind of like how some girls have really great asses and not-so-hot faces. It's just the way it is sometimes. Not that this car is ugly up front, I just don't like it as much as the back.

I did finally see an MKZ around town that was the exact color as mine, except it was the newer model with the 3.0 twin-turbo engine. That thing has 400hp, that's 100 more than mine. I must say that I was a bit jealous when I saw it, especially because it had the updated front end which I like a lot better.

That's all for today though. Just another car post. I hope you haven't grown tired of seeing my MKZ yet because this is not the last of it yet. Although I do think this summer not being able to get car washes easily will drastically reduce how often I photograph this awesome car.

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