Saturday Treats [ESP/ENG]

++ Español ++

Un día de sol y un día relax aunque con 16º en la capital de Ecuador hace que te derritas, no hay nada más agradable que disfrutar de unos dulces para endulzar la tarde =^^=

Aun con todo el calor que nos brindó la mañana de sábado, pude ir a una de las cadenas más grandes de supermercados de mi país, "Supermaxi" en donde buscaba algunos dulces para comprar aunque no tenía claro que comprar.

Fue así que luego de pasear por el lugar varias veces y darme mi tiempo con cada dulce que existía en el local, me decidí por una caja de chocolates, aunque bueno se parecen a unos chocolates que se vende localmente, no me di cuenta en ese momento de tomarlos, es algo que note ya en casa.

Pensé que serian chocolates sencillos, pero cuando me acerque a la caja vi que me cobro 10 $ dólares y quede wtf, como no tenía efectivo pague con tarjeta y fue una salvación porque no vi el precio cuando los tome ha ha ha.

++ English ++

A sunny and relaxing day although 16º in the capital of Ecuador makes you melt, there is nothing nicer than enjoying some sweets to sweeten the afternoon =^^==

Even with all the heat that Saturday morning brought us, I was able to go to one of the biggest supermarket chains in my country, "Supermaxi" where I was looking for some sweets to buy although I was not sure what to buy.

So after walking around the place several times and taking my time with each candy that existed in the store, I decided on a box of chocolates, although they look like some chocolates that are sold locally, I did not realize at that time to take them, it is something that I noticed at home.

I thought they would be simple chocolates, but when I approached the box I saw that I was charged 10 $ dollars and I was wtf, as I had no cash I paid with card and it was a salvation because I did not see the price when I took them ha ha ha.

chocolate day.jpg






Ya en casa traje la caja de chocolates y unas palomitas de dulce, iba a compartir con la familia, pero resulta que no había nadie =^^=, en ese momento sentí el ambiente y la musical en su momento más épico, así que aproveche y abrí la caja para degustar de los dulces,

Cuando abrí la caja note algo, solo traía 10 chocolates, y al precio que costo note que cada chocolate que me comía tenía un precio de 1 $ algo que me llamo la atención fue que también era de Bélgica los chocolates.

Pensé que venían varios, pero me desilusione un poco, aun así me tome mi tiempo saboreando cada chocolate, ya que sentí hasta el momento eran los chocolates más caros que probé.

Ya casi al final de terminarme la caja se me ocurrió hacer un post sobre esta historia =^^=, había 3 chocolates en ese momento, sin embargo mientras preparaba mi historia no resistí la tentación y me fui terminando los chocolates que quedaban je je je, me sorprendió que quedara 1 para la foto.

¡Estuvieron muy ricos eso es indudable, pero creo no compraré golosinas por un rato ya vacié mi billetera xD! Y las palomitas de maíz con dulce las dejé para la noche ^^, pero si no llega nadie a casa, bueno ya saben que pasara =^^=

Espero disfruten de una historia de chocolates tanto como yo al probar cada uno, Nos veremos pronto.

Fotos tomadas con: iPhone Xs

Traducción al inglés:


Already at home I brought the box of chocolates and some sweet popcorn, I was going to share with the family, but it turns out that there was no one =^^=, at that moment I felt the atmosphere and the musical in its most epic moment, so I took the opportunity and opened the box to taste the candy,

When I opened the box I noticed something, it only had 10 chocolates, and at the price I noticed that each chocolate I ate had a price of $ 1 something that caught my attention was that the chocolates were also from Belgium.

I thought that there were several of them, but I was a little disappointed, even so I took my time savoring each chocolate, as I felt that so far they were the most expensive chocolates I had ever tasted.

Almost at the end of finishing the box it occurred to me to make a post about this story =^^=, there were 3 chocolates at that time, however while preparing my story I did not resist the temptation and I was finishing the remaining chocolates heh heh heh, I was surprised that there was 1 left for the photo.

They were very tasty that's for sure, but I don't think I'll be buying candy for a while, I've already emptied my wallet xD! And the candy popcorn I left it for the night ^^, but if no one comes home, well you know what will happen =^^=

I hope you enjoy a story of chocolates as much as I did tasting each one, I'll see you soon.

Photos taken with: iPhone Xs

English translation:

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