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Booked 🫶🏼💘

So Sanja and I are talking about the summer and ideas and everything. Unfortunately, war is a big problem and we are trying to be smart specially because of the covid still going on in the world 🗺
She has mentioned Malta but I was not interested cuz it is a poor country and didn’t do the research but I did my homework and I like it very much 😊
So there is Malta and two islands and that is where the magic happens haha, I mean the beautiful cliffs and beach and everything. So we are booking the plain tickets and we have booked the apartment hehehe

My studying not so good, today is the day I didn’t do anything but I will now, my guilt is here my trying to think positive and next due is the end of the June so cross fingers I do pass it and just get it put of my chest 🥰




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