Lantern festival in FuGang, Taiwan

Lantern festival is FuGang. Every year different cities in Taiwan have a large lantern festival and some cities always have one. FuGang has had a few in the recent years, so I think they are trying to be one of the cities that always have us. Which makes sense because it really stimulates the local economy.

These lanterns are in front of the FuGang train station. They gave the names of the cities that the trains stop in.

This big one has a symbol for the Hakka people. This area has a large population of Hakka Chinese. Hakka means “guest” or “traveler” because originally they traveled from other parts of China, but these families have been here for centuries.

This is the outside of the train station building. The bright lanterns are beautiful and remind be almost of Christmas lights, but they make it hard to take pictures of people. The lights drown out faces.

These are some of the older buildings in FuGang. The colored lights really make the buildings look fascinating.

These are three main Taoist deities that pop up all over Taiwan, especially in temples and around them.

This is the entrance, you can really see how crowded and busy it is.

*all pictures are taken by me with iPhone 14

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