
Sweet, gentle, silly, wild, curious, loving, cooing Biggie.
You know that expression, "nobody's perfect?" It's supposed to help humans feel better about their shortcomings and it gives them an opportunity to avoid taking responsibility for doing stupid shit. The expression is wrong, though, because there is perfection in the world.
Crows are perfect.
Biggie is perfect.
You know why?
Because crows have no standard of perfection. They make no apologies for who they are. They are perpetually honest and authentic and any level of self-consciousness they may feel at any given point does not negate their self-worth.
Or I could argue that by having no standard of perfection, crows are simultaneous perfect and imperfect and neither and null. That probably aligns more with the crow philosophy, but, you know, gotta put some words in between these pictures so I can look like I know stuff.
Right, Biggie?

Brought to you by Nikon D7500, Nikkor 300mm lens, Lightroom, Biggie.

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NFT Crowroom
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Look how perfect he is.

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