Crow Lady Goo Goo Ga Ga






Wow, you did such a good job of plodding through all those boring ass pictures just to get to the words you've been dying to read.
Here you go:

These are more pictures of the offspring of Melby and Voolie. Their babies are beautiful and I love them very much, but I've been trying to keep my distance. Last year baby season was hard for me. It's hard every year. Fledglings often don't make it. Parents work tirelessly with building nests, sitting on eggs, feeding babies. They are 100% committed and I am 100% invested.Then, one day, something happens. Hawk, raccoon, car, cat, and the baby is gone forever. It's normal, and it's terrible.

This year I've done my best not to spend too much time with the families that have fledglings. I'm waiting it out until the most dangerous time of their lives is over before getting attached. At least, that's the intention. Melby and Voolie have other plans for me. They've been bringing these damn babies to my window every day to hang out and eat. The other day I got officially introduced as I sat inside my apartment. I'm part of the family. Avoidance isn't an option. It's an amazing honor. It's beautiful and terrifying.

The only thing I can do for these babies is love them. I can't protect them from the elements or nature or reckless humans in their multi-ton baby-maulers. I'm heavy and earth-bound and don't speak enough crow to teach them anything other than that I am a safe space. I love them, and they are learning to love me, but they might die. They might die soon.

But they might also be fine. Crows are very capable parents and Melby and Voolie get excellent help from their adult son Valentine.

All I can do is wait.

I guess I should name them, soon. They can't all be "Baby" forever.

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