
I have these two close friends. My crow sisters. We've never met and we live on different continents. North America, Europe, Asia. Portland, Hamburg, Mumbai.
The forces of crow brought us together. Through love and social media we found each other. Through mysterious coincidences that aren't really coincidences once you realize it was meant to be, we bonded.
We all have intimate connections with the crows. Vibe them. Understand them. Love them. Attract them.
I feel so close to these women. They feel the same.
Today one of them wrote in our group chat to go out and hug our crows. She had some news.
It wasn't good.
The cancer is back.
I think about all that she's been through, how she overcame it in the first place. I think about me and my own lumpy breast that turned out to be nothing more than lumpy but had me scared shitless.
She's optimistic, my friend. Determined. You need that, you know, when facing an illness like this. So I'm determined and optimistic with her. But I'm also pissed and ready to beat the living shit out of cancer and have all kinds of other feelings that I have yet to identify and express.
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The crows won't let me hug them, but lately Melby and Voolie have been bringing this same baby to my apartment window to hang out. The spirit of the experience is definitely affectionate, even without physical contact.
I love you, baby.
I love you, crows.
I love you, crow sisters.

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NFT Crowroom
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