Admire my Melby

Melby's cute. He's got the roundest head and a nice, stout mancrow body.
A fairly low center of gravity but that's not to say that he's short.
He's just sturdy.
Melby has a wife. Voolie. She's on the nest right now, keeping the eggs all cozy so they can hatch into little melblings.
Melby also has a son. Valentine. (He's not usually this blurry. He was having trouble focusing. Big college party the night before.)
Melby was the first crow to find my apartment window after Bo. He was shy in the beginning, waiting until I was out of sight before helping himself to the window snacks, but still showing up to let me know he was ready to eat. I only knew him then as my window crow. Then one day I walked outside and he introduced himself to me in the custom of crow, by flying down and landing about ten feet ahead of me in my path. He remembered me as the snack-procuring windowperson, but I had no idea who he was. Took me a couple days before I figured it out. Funny, huh, how much better crows are at recognizing us as individuals than we are at recognizing them. We could learn a few things from crows. More than a few, really.

CrowTube Channel
NFT Crowroom
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