New England River Relaxing

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I'm here with a post that's a bit overdue, some photos from the fall on a river!


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New England River Relaxing

One thing is for sure, there are a lot of really cool things to enjoy when you're living in New England. One of them is definitely the quantity of really awesome rivers that are around!

We turned an everyday outing into something fun and special. We had gone to this park to take some family photos that thankfully came out pretty well. What I didn't remember was this river being so close! I had gone to this park area quite often when I was younger but mainly for the skateboard park that was in the same area. We didn't really venture out into the area beyond the park but I'm glad that we did so with our son! It turned out to be quite a beautiful scene.


The river here is one of the larger ones in southern New England. I have spent time on the river before for Kayaking and stuff but not a whole lot of just sitting down, enjoying the silence and listening to the river. Got to enjoy that a little bit this time!


When we were there we got to see the interesting layout of the place and the different areas people liked to spend time in. This corner was a pretty good one for fishing that's for sure. I saw quite a bit of line and things stuck in the trees! There was also a nice rope swing for people to use. I don't know how deep the river is but I'm guessing it's enough to get in there and go swimming. Swimming on rivers like this make me a little nervous, some people aren't the nicest and throw trash in it and stuff but on the surface it looks gorgeous lol


We had ventured there during the perfect "golden hour" atmosphere! The sun was a difficult one to catch because of the layout of the river and where you could stand but this one here was my absolute favorite shot of the day! Catching the fall colors and the reflection was a lot of fun.


Overall I'm really glad that we had our son for many reasons. One of the big reasons is that it gets you to slow down and take a bit of a break to enjoy things like this that as adults we don't get to very often!

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