Black and White Moisture

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to post about some plants that caught my attention the other day while fishing!

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Black and White Moisture

Many times nature does things that are really beautiful! This was certainly one of those times.

The little man and I were out fishing recently and we happened upon an area that was along the river but it had these beautiful little plants that were growing right alongside it. I'm not really sure what they were but one thing was for sure, they had quite an interesting look to them! I loved how they obviously had lots of hair on them like the legs of a tarantula, so that it can capture as much moisture as possible. This was also interesting because it was right next to a river, which has ample opportunity to give it moisture if it needed it lol

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Changing the perspective a little bit was great! I think ig was pretty darn cool to get up close and personal with these little fellas and capture some alternative shots instead of just looking down at them. It made it into a pretty cool view, with the slightly blurred background (I now forget the photography word that describes that.. I'll have to look that up for my memory bank!). The fuzzy nature of the plant cracks me up, it's pretty unique I think! I don't know if I've ever really noticed it before but it did rain the day before or so, if I remember so these plants were very well hydrated at this point and saving these little goblets of moisture for later, or hoping that a bird or something else comes by and takes a drink and likely carries the seeds and pollen of the plant off to distant pastures to try and sprout. Nature is wild sometimes for sure!

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What I liked as well about it, was the edit I did for it. I did my usual desaturation in GIMP but this time I used Luminance HSL or something and it made the dark spots quite a bit darker! The little gap in the ground underneath the plant there, the black spot, became significantly darker with this photo edit mode so I enjoyed that end of it.

I've been able to play around a little bit with these photo modes so that I can adjust up or down the specific modifications they make to the photo. I'm going to be trying to up-tweak the edit next time and see how it goes, to see if it's obnoxious in the edit qualities or if it's a little subtle and then to the opposite. I love poking around with these things that's for sure! :D

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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