Autumn By The Lake

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share a few photos of autumn colors on the lakeside!


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Autumn By The Lake

Autumn is definitely one of my favorite times of year. I know that I've certainly grown to appreciate different aspects of the weather and look forward to the different seasonal changes. For autumn however, it's been one that I've loved for a lot longer than my more recent adaptations to appreciating the rest of the seasons for different reasons.

There is something special about the trees shedding their summer colors, in favor for a bright variety of colors as the season keeps going on. The changes aren't sudden, and I think that's one of the things I like about it. It's gradual and we get to appreciate it over time.


The season this year is a fairly comfortable warmth in terms of temperature. It isn't hot like it has been in other years, and it's also not cold like it has been. The fluctuations of temperature are quite interesting when you start to pay attention to them. There is all this talk about "climate change" which is frankly horse shit. The climate is NOTHING consistent. It has trends, and we go through these trends every single year. Some years it's got warmer for a few, other years it's colder for a few. At the end of the day though, it is fluctuations and not consistency.

Regardless of the temperature, the trees are doing their job and shedding their summer colors. I think that's one of the other things I've noticed. It's perhaps got some scientific elements to it, because they get less sunlight, or the soil is colder or something, or perhaps magnetic pole changes? At any rate though, the trees know when to start!


We didn't get to spend much time at the lake this year which is sad. We've been busy with all kinds of other stuff though, so we've been making due with what we have got. I know my son really got to spend some wonderful years here over the last few, so it was a bit of a change for us not to spend as much time here. I would like to try and spend a bit more time here now that the season is coming to a close, just getting to enjoy the sunlight and water for a bit.

We got to spend a few hours one weekend here, doing some work in the yard and appreciating the sun and the views. The lake is also going to start changing it's water levels, as of writing this that's already happened but in the photos it's still full. Eventually it will be drained about 10 feet or more of water, so that the shoreline can be cleaned and people can prepare for winter.


The funny and interesting thing about autumn photos is that sometimes the most random fucking place is where you get the best view of the beautiful colors. This was in a parking lot down the road from the lake, nearby, but not one of the picturesque spots. The same thing happened when we went to the mountains lol..


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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