Misty Sunrise

The alarm is starting to get horribly early. It went off at 4.25 on the morning I took these images. The forecast was looking good, although when I looked out of the window when I got up, there was a completely clear and uninteresting looking sky. As I cycled up to the park, I debated whether to changing my plans and head to the brook, where a boring sky isn't really a problem. But honestly, I could spend every morning at the brook, as I love it so much. I don't want to get stuck into too much of a rut.

I headed to the middle of the park, and walked up the hill. The nice thing about being higher up is that one can experience the sun rise, then descend to lower ground, and watch the sun rise all over again. Which is what I did. :)

Sunrise now has that fiery, summer intensity. The light can be really harsh, particularly without any cloud to soften the light.


These 2 shots were both taken using 3 bracketed exposures, blended together in Lightroom. It's the easiest way to maintain highlight and shadow details, in high contrast conditions.


I swung by the ponds, where I enjoyed my second sunrise of the day.


Some of the Canada Geese have had chicks. They are incredibly cute and fluffy at the moment. Look at the size of their feet though!


Sadly the mist didn't filter into the woodlands. I wandered into one of the lower fields where the mist had yet to burn off, and was glowing yellow in the strong sunshine.


An early morning jogger...


I can be found on...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cathgothard/
Website: www.cathgothard.com

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