Another dawn by the ponds....

This post features photos from another misty sun rise by the ponds. It's a good location to start off with, if there is a the right amount of cloud in the sky. High cloud is preferable, and it is usually a good sign that the light will be soft and colourful. A cloudless sky can be a bit harsh, unless there is a lot of atmosphere in the air to soften the sun.

There was a beautiful pastel light when I arrived, and the water was lovely and calm, so I didn't hesitate in setting up this shot on my tripod.


I went for a walk a little up the hill in the hope that there would be more mist, but it seemed to be mainly hanging over the bodies of water. When I turned around to retrace my steps, this tree with the beam of light above it caught my eye. To me it looked like a spaceship's tractor beam was about to beam the tree on board. Anyway, I thought it would make a fun image, so I grabbed a shot before I headed back in the direction of the ponds.


I set up my tripod by the water's edge. There were 3 moorhens having a real scrap quite close by, totally messing up the water by making lots of ripples. My suspicion was that it was 2 males fighting over a female. I politely pointed out to them that they were ruining my shot, but they didn't pay any attention. Eventually, they took their fight further away, and I managed to get this image, just moments before the sun popped over the horizon.


And that was the end of the good light. The sun was very harsh as soon as it was visible, and the water suddenly had more movement in it. The whole scene was less tranquil.


I headed back to where I'd locked up my bike, and met some deer eating breakfast. Their antlers from last year have all been shed, and many of them are growing their new ones, like this chap on the left.


I STILL haven't found an old antler anywhere in the park, which I find quite surprising. Where do they all go once they have been shed by the deer....?!

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