Water is life but sometimes it is also death.


I have always heard that water is life and this phrase is not without reason, although at the end of the post I will unfortunately give an example that contradicts this widespread phrase.

Water is life because you only need to look at a globe to see that water occupies more than 75% of the planet.

It is life because our human body is also composed of water as its main component. Although depending on our age and sex, the percentage of water in our body varies.

But for me water is life as I see the different forms in which water can manifest itself in nature and which gives our planet a spectacular beauty.

Seas and Oceans

The seas and oceans are the largest amount of water on the planet.

I love to sit on the rocks, on the shore of a beach and watch the sea. How there is a struggle between the land and the sea to occupy the same space.

The same happens when I go to idyllic places like the Isla Pancha lighthouse in Ribadeo and walk around this island watching how the sea and the land intertwine in beautiful cliffs.

Or when the sea surrounds an islet. Giving that placid shiver of solitude and serenity.


Rivers are to my way of thinking like arteries. They distribute the water in their course in a serene way in many occasions giving me peace.

And when that river flows calmly through the city, as is the case of the river Cabe in Monforte de Lemos, it becomes a true mirror of reality. It transmits peace.

But sometimes these rivers reach an end point where their path ends and they have no choice but to jump, forming waterfalls of water.

And sometimes it is only a matter of a few metres and they have to jump again, as I was able to enjoy during my holidays in Oneta with its charming waterfalls.


Lakes are special places. Quiet places and if they are accompanied by a mountain backdrop, they are a place where the view is relaxing.

Even in artificial lakes or reservoirs to generate electricity and this one withstanding high temperatures as on my last visit in Granada in July.

##Artificial ponds

To talk about Granada is to talk about the Alhambra and in the Alhambra if there is one thing there is water coming from the Sierra Nevada.

There I enjoyed the most beautiful ponds with reflections of the Nasrid palaces which are undoubtedly photos that I will always use in my posts with great pride.

Water sometimes is not life

However, although water is life in almost all cases, water can also mean death.

My entry to #pobphotocontest

Six years ago today I lost one of my friends (Alberto) to a bad blow he got from the raging sea while fishing.

May you rest in peace, my friend.

This post goes for you.

Best regards.

Cover and separators created with https://www.canva.com (free version).

Pictures taken with my iPhone.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).

This post is my entry to #pobphotocontest organized by @friendlymoose.

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