Clouds: An essential element that beautifies photographs


This post is my entry to the #pobphotocontest organized by @friendlymoose in which this week's theme is clouds.

Clouds, apart from being a cluster of water molecules gaseous state for me, are indispensable elements that can make an acceptable photograph have an extra touch that gives even more beauty to the place.

Perhaps, this photograph taken at the viewpoint of Orellan contemplating the Roman mines of Las Médulas without the clouds in the background and a capricious sun hidden behind them would not be so picturesque.

Although for picturesque, these clouds in the shape of meteors taken from the esplanade in front of the Belém Tower in Lisbon.

It was lucky that these peculiar cumulus clouds formed in such a photogenic place and that I was there at that moment.

Sometimes, the clouds are not white over blue skies, but dark black storm clouds that in the early spring sunsets shrink the hearts thinking that the apocalypse is about to arrive.

And as striking clouds, I also share these red clouds taken recently at sunset over the Vigo estuary. Quite a spectacle of red color that illuminated the clouds and made the reflection of the water very intense red.

My entry to #pobPhotocontest organized by @friendlymoose

I hope you liked this special post about clouds.

Best regards.

Cover and separators created with (free version).

Photographies taken with my iPhone 13 and Sony Alpha 6000L.

Translated with (free version).

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