Taming the Wild


A wild strawberry, to me, is just a Strawberry growing in the wild. Here in Sweden a wild Strawberry has a name and it's Smultron! Smultrons are miniature berries and a tinier and sweeter version of the common Strawberry! I was amazed to find these when i first came here. They smell like CrunchBerries from Cap'N'Crunch Berry cereal!!!


This post is really a follow-up to my last photographic post Castleberry-Crunch, where i talk about the Smultrons and 'Chester CopperPot'. This post also empties the memory card i had in my camera. I hope you enjoy these visuals!

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These were shots i took not too long after the ones from the post linked above. They were taken a month or two ago though...


Killer Tomatoes

Well, Tomatoes are actually berries. That tripped me out to find out. I knew they were a fruit and not a vegetable... but a berry was the last thing i expected. We grew some beefsteak tomatoes this year and last year. Here are a few early shots of what our plant was putting out this year! We got one or two good ones last year... but this year is looking more promising. We just picked this one and it is not disappointing.

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I have some news...

But, i am going to save the news for a later post. For now, enjoy the random shots i took of a flower bouquet, some weird plants that root well in water, and more Smultron & Tomato shots!

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I tried to get some interesting angles and adjust the settings to maximize the lighting as best i could. I think most of these turned out fairly decent.

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Killer Tomatoes

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Bunz Hun!!!

Voltron Smultron

For some reason the name 'Smultron' has always reminded me of the name Voltron. I wasn't the biggest fan as a kid of Voltron... but still! Here are the rest of the shots from Chester CopperPot.

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One of my favorite things about these shots is how the seeds are so clearly visible on the surface of the Smultron berries. With normal Strawberries the seeds are within the dimples that encompass the whole of the berry's surface area. With these, at least at this stage of development, they are protruding from the surface of the berry in an obvious way.

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And that does it. That is all for the shots i took at this stage of development. I leave you with a Voltron gif and my favorite image of the post! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out my shots.

Voltron Smultron


Here is my favorite shot of the post:

I didn't select that for the thumbnail.. but i would like to hear or see which image is your favorite down in the comments. Thanks again for stopping by and see you again next time! And i won't forget to share my news either!

Bye Bye Now



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