Ripe For The Picken'

...Perhaps Not!

It's Swedish Summer here... but it feels more like the transition from Winter to Spring. It's been rainy, overcast, humid, hot (well Swedish hot but not Texas hot, at a whopping 75 degrees Fahrenheit) and then cold almost all at the same time or on the same day!


We have a saying back home in Texas... and as I've learned it's a common figure of speech everywhere. That saying is, ''If You Don't Like The Weather in Texas... Just Wait a Minute.'' Well, apparently, they have 'about' the same saying here... and I can attest that it's equally true.

Based on some of these shots one might think these berries are ripe for the picken... but they ain't! They still taste good and it's at a time where some are more developed than others even on the same plant. But, it's still not the best time to take the bounty and pick all those berries.


It reminds me a little of the crypto market now and how things look or appear as opposed to the accurate perception of reality and how things truly are. Right now everything is red, there's blood in the proverbial streets, everyone is panicking, and Hive is even Super Low!

Hive generally has never followed the up or downtrends financially of the overall crypto market space. I have found that to be a good thing in the long run and something that shows what we have here is a bit different. But, it seems this panic period in the middle of the biggest and most unpredictable Crypto Bull Run of all time has had it's fair share of influence on even our beloved Hive.


It could also be that Hive is decaying in ways that would generally keep it relevant in the cryptosphere. While there is a growing number of funds and projects... the mass adoption of all that Hive has to offer still has not manifested to any real inkling of it's full potential.

I would be lying if I said that the low isn't feeling low right now. I invest a lot of my time here on Hive. Time is all of our most valuable assets in life. To spend so much of that time doing all I do on Hive when I have so little time to myself feels either selfish, selfless, and/or foolish... maybe all the above!


However, I actually was able to find a few minutes to myself a couple of days ago. I made sure to charge my camera battery in advance for if such a moment should arise. Well, that moment came to fruition and I didn't hesitate to take some shots whilst out and about. I did notice immediately how rusty I was an making my shitty camera pull off some magic.




I mostly tried to get some images captured of the blueberries that grow wild all around my area. But, I could not resist a few variations of how the shot could be based on the setting options as well as some diversity of imagery which you will see with the ferns and maple leaf shots later on.


I haven't made a photography post in forever. So, when I was walking I tried to find anything I could to shoot. But, because it had been so long I decided to try to focus on mostly the blueberries. I thought that 'focal point' would be a good way to get back into the swing of things without so much chaos.

My life feels like it's in chaos at the moment. We just got a new kitten (I will share more and post later on that), are currently moving, have an 8/9 month old baby, and life struggles in general. Life has been rough and taxing lately to be honest.


Having said all that and constraining myself not to say more since not many will probably even read this anyhow.... even with all the adversity I have tried to maintain and keep a balance going in my Hive duties. I am the primary manager and curator of two of the biggest and most active communities on Hive.


I don't think most people know what all that entails but OCD has very rigorous standards and I can't thank Acid and the OCD crew enough for incubating the Alien Art Hive and Photography Lovers Community. I personally feel both of those communities have becomes ribs connected to the backbone of Hive's skeleton.


I try to stay positive and proactive while also maintaining a balance in my life. I can tell you now, that my personal balance is off. I will try my best to 'Keep On Keepin' On'!

Keep On Keepin On

I would love to focus more on my Art, Photography, Hive, and my place here. Life has a way of happening Not according to your own ideal plans! Crypto may Moon one of these cycles or it may SuperNova on us and go to the shits. But, knowing how and when to calculate your moves in your limited time is the main concern.



These aren't my best shots by far and are more of a warm-up to get back into it all. I got some berries, a rotting log, some ferns with shadows and tried to test some things about the Maple leaf. All in all .... it was a good walk, some excellent time alone, and a nice opportunity to profit from my focus. I was focused on just getting out.


Part of me wonders if I may have enjoyed it all more without my camera and thinking about my rusty photo skills, or my shit camera, or how I can make a post about it to get a little extra rewards.


Anyone who is anyone that has seen how little I post my own personal blogging content in comparison to how much work I put in voluntarily will see the stark contrast of discrepancy.


I want crypto to endure and Hive to benefit from it's full potential... and that's without even adding any more new features or assets. Just the mechanism of this blockchain sets itself apart. But then, the decentralized nature of things also further separates things, people, and ideas that need to come together to make this all work at the best level possible.


I know I won't be able to keep on doing what I'm doing and be as good or efficient or enjoy it as much as possible if things don't get better. All I can do is All I can do.... and I must say that I'm doing too much! I can also say that I would have personally profited exponentially more if I had been more focused on my own rewards and blogging. So, there's a sacrifice to be made in order to succeed. Maybe that's my whole point I am overtalking.


1 Peter 1: 24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: 25 but the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

Happy Belated 4th of July

betty page lucille ball fullfigure pinup, metallic sheen american flag background, mucha backlit

I will do my best to make sure those that deserve to be curated will get curated and those that deserve to be featured will be. But, I am going to take a step back for a bit and see what serves me best. I put myself last more often than not. I can't even find time to answer all my community comments etc. So, thanks to everyone that has supported me and thanks to everyone that sees what all I actually do for the time I spend supporting and growing others quicker and greater than I have myself thus far.

This Too Shall Pass

Hive isn't going anywhere and neither am I. Just wanted to say thanks and try to post something for myself for a change. Sorry for anyone that didn't get a curation vote or lost out on a feature because I didn't do my 'WORK' for the day.

In fact, I didn't edit or crop any of these photos from my shitty point and click camera. I hope you enjoyed the images even if the text/reading was a bit off topic. Thanks for stopping by and supporting my content.


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