Trichrome photography

How did I get to know the technique?

I found this technique one time in a youtube video. And I was sold, the results looked different and fun. It was something I wanted to try.

What is it and how does it work?

Like many probably know, What we see is a combination of RGB. And trichome photography is a technique to create a color photo from black and white film.

These two pictures are not from my first try, but I guess will help a lot to explain how it works.

So if we take three pictures with a red, a green and a blue filter in front. We can combine them later in a color photo.

Like you can see in the picture, I didn´t have those filters. I was given a red filter, in order to emphasys the clouds in the sky, with the red blocking the blue sky, making it darker and giving the clouds more contrast.
But green and blue I didn´t have.

However I had some cheap color foils for lamps. Of course this wasn´t meant for photography, but I decided, why not? I have it lying around and if I shoot a bit open, it maybe will be fine.

My first attempt

Since it was a technique for black and white film, I decided to do my first try not with my digital camera but with my analog one, so I could really have black and white film converted to a color image.
Of course, not having tried this before, there was a likely chance I messed something up and destroying wasting some film.

So how did it go?

Ehm, maybe better than expected. Since I thought there was quite a good chance I would mess it up. In the end I took more pictures, because I moved the camera by accident. and I was in the end confused which picture was with which filter, which took some figuring out. But in the end, I'm happy with the result

Film: Fomopan 100, lens 135mm Weltblick auto tele 1:2.8, camera: Praktica MTL 5

In this image you see at the row the black and white images and the row below that, them colored in with the filter color.
On the bottom left is the red and green combined, and bottom right is also the blue added.

It was a nice thing to try out, and I love the bit extra it gives, also since I probably will shoot mainly black and white film (since I can develop that myself) it is nice to create a color image this way.
I have some more taking with my digital camera which I will show you at a later time.

But for now I hope that I have introduced you to something new and that you like the technique.

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