Real Fire Always Wins


There is so much that photoshop and AI can do these days to enhance photos that it can truly be tempting to utilize those tools to create fake flames on something like the bat photo we recently did with Jordan. But I have to tell you, there is nothing like the real thing!

We talked to Jordan about these details when we were discussing creative ideas she wanted to implement for her senior photos. She is a dedicated softball player looking for college scholorships to fund her higher education, so highlighting her sport of choice was definitely something she was interested in doing. Fire on the bat was her primary choice so we made it happen the real way...lighter fluid. If you aren't familiar with it, here in the US, this is the type of lighter fluid used in Zippo style lighters. The benefits are that it is a semi controlled burn, mostly orange/yellow in color, and mostly smoke free. This makes it idea not only for cigarette lighters, but also for photos. It can be purchased in small bottles so it's affordable and easy to apply to surfaces.

At that point, you just need lots of hands to setup your shot and have someone apply/light the bat. The rest is history and these sneak peaks for Jordan were exactly what she was looking for in some softball photos.

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