Snapshots of Joy - The rare event of my Bulldog running 😄

Mom is over there, screw you dad...

Here we go, did you smile?

You better, otherwise you need a therapy lol. Joy in action, is there anything cuter you saw on Hive today?

The sun was shining, the water was rippling, warm temperatures made the surroundings smell like spring.

Finally relaxing in one of my favorite spots I was playing around with the cam. The good thing about my Panasonic Lumix FZ83 is the focal length of 20mm-1200mm. In case I don't forget her I can capture my beloved dog in his brightest moments.

Joy was busy with his dad, who tried to play with him in the water. Suddenly he recognized that mom was on the other side. Out of the blue he decided that dad was lame and in an act of pure commitment he ran towards me.

You have to know that running is not one of Joys favorite hobbies but when he's doing it it's the cutest thing you've ever seen. He puts his whole heart into it. You can really see how he is making an effort and trying his best. In moments like these he's Usain Bolt lol.

I captured this spontaneous moment at a focal lenght of 30mm, ISO 80, f5.4. Not the best shots, as I was moving with the object and was not really prepared lol. But one thing I love about photography is capturing these moments. Not going to win an award with them but with pics like these it's about emotions.

Whenever I look at them I will smile and that's the purpose. Of course I share my Joy with you, we all need a little bit of joy in these times don't we?

Now go scroll through them again, a smile will wait for you 😁

Images and text by @bulldog-joy

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