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A walk on the frozen lake nearby

Finally, the ice is thick enough to walk on. We've had really nice weather and it has been really nice to spend some time on the frozen lake. Today, it was very lively on the ice, people walking, skiing, skating, etc. Seems like a lot of people take advantage of the beautiful weather. While I was taking pictures, I also heard the muffled roars of far-off snowmobiles.


My latest photography posts:

Winter Landscapes

Winter Walk in the Archipelago

- 20 C and a lot of snow!

Finally a little bit of sunshine!

A Walk in the Neighbourhood | Happy New Year Everyone!

Shot with: Nikon Coolpix P900/Nikkor 83X Wide Optical Zoom 4.3-357mm f/2.8-6.5.
I hope you enjoyed my post! Thanks for stopping by!