Looking for shade... I found flowers

Life is so unpredictable now, so much is happening to us and the world that I don't have time to notice myself, that is to understand what is happening to me and why I feel such a lack of time.

A moment of relaxation and reflection helps me notice that I have become dependent on the climate and the seasons. This is not such a great discovery because I believe that everyone is influenced by the weather, the climate, and the seasons, but I have noticed in myself that this addiction has increased in recent years.

Interesting how I understood that... I've noticed I'm writing more and more influenced by the weather outside. I've noticed that summer is coming too early and with too much heat is taking over the themes of my writing in Hive.

Looking for shade...

Summer is my favorite season and that goes back to my childhood. A childhood spent in the country, in a landscape with everything: field, hill, river, pond, forest... It was a dream. Especially in summer, when I was away with friends how big the day was. The summer heat seemed not as intense as it is now or I didn't feel it.

Now I can't stand the heat so easily and might even have to give up my love for summer, but childhood memories and love of the sea won't let me do that. All I can do is hide from the sun and seek the cool shade. I live in a big city and find much-needed shade in parks and gardens. I find the best shade in the botanical gardens!

I live in Bucharest, Romania, and unfortunately, the botanical garden here is not so beautiful. Its location in the middle of the city and the limited space have been obstacles to being a garden like others in other cities in the country.

The most beautiful botanical garden I have visited is in Iasi, an attractive northern city in Romania.


The photos that help me tell this story are taken in this botanical garden, the largest in Romania, about 200 hectares.


Any botanical garden is famous for the flowers you find there. This garden has much more forms of relief and vegetation organization like forests with ancient trees but also groves with young shrubs and grassy meadows.


It is strikingly similar to the places where I grew up.


I lived in Iasi for a year, 2019, with a very hot summer. When I couldn't stand the heat anymore I used to come to the botanical garden for shade, coolness, and relaxation...


This was my favorite place, in the shade of the trees, without paved walkways and crowds of people, as they usually are in parks.


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... I found flowers

No matter how much you seek only shade and coolness in a botanical garden, you can't ignore the raison d'être of these places, namely, flowers!


My intention for today was not to put flowers. It remained just an intention because it's impossible to ignore flowers.


I came across a large bush of beautiful flowers. I don't know them, I've never seen them before. I have to find out what they are called and where they live.


Anemone hupehensis "Praecox"


I have never seen anemones so tall. Almost a meter tall and so many flowers! I'll have to look into buying some for my backyard.



I have seen that these anemones have other admirers who are even more than that... they're even nectar gatherers!


My goodness, what an abundance of buds and a flower's beauty!

Anemone is one of the hundreds of species of flowers growing in the Botanical Garden in Iasi. There are so many flowers that it's hard to choose for next time.

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