
Hi everyone! I’m Blake Randall, a landscape photographer from Vancouver, Canada. I generally shoot western Canadian landscapes but sometimes I travel to other mountainous regions of the world. I picked up my first DSLR probably around 10 years ago but I have always had an interest in photography. I’ve always been attracted to the idea that photography represents something tangible. When I see a beautiful photo of an incredible place it is something real to me. Somewhere I can actually go and see with my own eyes, something I can step in the middle of and immerse myself in. Likewise when I take a photo I generally want it to represent an experience that I had or that other people can experience or to share the natural beauty of the world we live in. However, on the other hand I sometimes like to express an idea, mood or vision that comes from within. I don’t usually share the latter but ever so often I do. I usually try to include what editing I have done to an image, especially if it’s pushing into the realm of digital art.

I'm excited to be apart of the hive community. A special thanks to @tristan.todd and @caseygrimley for helping me get on here. I've posted some of my work below.

Yoho National Park, BC, Canada

The Tombstone Range in the Canadian North

A rare foggy day in Vancouver, BC, Canada

The Coastal mountains of British Columbia
Bellacoola-sunstar-1920px (2020_12_17 04_04_37 UTC).jpg

Thanks for looking!

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