Humanitarian Rock Concert (Canon 5D Classic)

This Saturday KOKRAM (Collective of creative amateurs) organized a Humanitarian Rock Concert. They invited several local bands to help out with it.
nuklearna zima Canon 5D Classic.jpg

Me, i am still in work, procrastination and no photography phase, so i decided to "torture" myself with a combination that is far from perfect for this. Canon 5d Classic and 18-35 Sigma crop mount lens.


Canon 5d Classic is a 19 year old camera. As you can see is capable of taking perfectly good photos. But it is a 19 year old camera so the tech inside is quite different from the newest and best at the moment. One of those is ISO capability. Low light is something that Canon 5d Classic is not great at so i gave up on even trying and took a flash with me. I do like the light i got on this photo above.


It is also funny how i stopped thinking about focus when photographing people with my Canon R6. I know that most of the times it will find the face and do its job. Canon 5d Classic has 9 focus points :) on the hole photo area you can pick one of the points where camera will try to find something to focus on. It is fun to take overhead photos with pointing the camera in an general direction and hoping that the middle focus point is on the face of your subject.



Another fun thing is that i only have 1 card for Canon 5D Classic. It uses an old Compact Flash (CF) cards, and the one i have is 2GB. Camera said it is 90 shots. It ended up being 114. It makes you take a conservative approach in clicking the shutter button.



Sigma 18-35mm is designed to cover a crop sensor. Canon even makes crop lenses with a block so you can't fit them on full frame sensor cameras. But Sigma does not care. One of the side effects of that is the lens does not cover the full sensor so it has a heavy vignette. You have it on 18mm and on 35mm. If you have it on 35mm the black circle around the edges is small and as you move to 18mm the circle is bigger and bigger.


Crowd photos with that big black circle does not even look that bad :)





Flash also decided to have a mind of its own. Fist it didn't work at all, after few resets it decided to work. Than towards the end it decided to reset to full power after every shot. So take a shot at 1/32, go to the menu set it back from 1/1 to 1/32, take a shot, repeat. After a while it decided to work fine again. First i though it was the batter, than maybe it is a compatibility issue (flash is some 15 years younger than the camera). But maybe it was just Gremlins.



For some reason Canon 5D Classic is known to reproduce a really nice colors. It is one of the first digital sensors but they did something right with it. So only editing on these photos is a bit of lights, shadows and contrast.



I often complain about quality of led lights on stage. Using flash makes it not that important. So i would like to complain about microphone stands, they are always in the way and should not exist.










If you want to check out ALL the photos GOOGLE DRIVE LINK CLICK HERE

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