The Nottingham Goose Fair 2023


I noticed that there were a lot of equipment in the Forrest recreational ground field in Nottingham but that's not new. Events are typically hosted there but little did I know that the one being prepared for is a historic event with a rich traditional history.

The night shifts have taken a toll on me and the insomnia isn't going away. That, as well as the boots that the agency assigned to me have been after my life but that's a story for another day. So, with my entire leg in pain, a weird headache, heavy eyes and all the other things bothering me, I decided to take a load off by going to the festival.


The Goose Fair is one of the oldest fairs held annually and dates all the way back to the 13th century. I know it has something to do with Geese traders moving from Lincolnshire to Nottinghamshire to sell but that's all I know.


Pretty cool that they've held it regularly since that time. That's the kind of rich tradition and history that really appeals to me, I must say.

Immediately we got out of the house, we could hear loud music and what sounded like people in danger, screaming for their life. When we finally got closer to the fair, it turned out it was true. People were in mortal danger, as far as I'm concerned.


I don't know what it is about danger but it really gets the blood pumping. Unfortunately for me, I was in no mood to have my blood pumping, so I didn't enter any of the rides but I got my share of high pressured blood later in the day.

There was a lot of local cuisine on offer which seemed a bit like street foods and that was refreshing. There were also sweets candy and all that.

Cocks on a stick is very sus, and piqued my interest. Unfortunately, we could taste those sweet cocks because the seller only accepts cash.

A big black cock

Oh yeah, so people were screaming for their lives but only because they were on various rides that I can only describe with the phrase "life threatening". These were the biggest and wildest rides I have ever seen in my life. I compiled a video of most of the rides and you can see it below.

Other than the rides, there were a lot of other side attractions to pick from. There were a couple of hot dog stands, games with opportunity to win iPhones and hundreds of pounds, and also win a stuffed toy.

We decided to throw darts for the opportunity to win a toy and we ended up with a stuffed dog that has now been named Spooky. Spooky, a name that was coined at the end of the day after we went into one of those spooky house thingies. You'll see it in the video.

If you've watched the video, you'll notice that I was scared and screaming like a little pussy. Well, in my defence, my wife inadvertently triggered it with that stuffed dog and from then onwards, I was on edge.


Anyway, at the end of the day, the spooky house thingy really got my blood pumping and it was totally worth it. We got a good laugh out of it, bought some cotton candy and then went down to buy my weekend beer before we got home.


I bought a Melbourne Fosters and it is as refreshing as advertised. After a gruelling week of night shifts, it is a nice way to end my weekend and recharge for the new


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