An evening with Andre Rieu at Glasgow's Hydro Arena

One of the areas of photography that I really enjoy has always been capturing performers in their element, when on stage.

You get a sense of commitment, enjoyment and just being in the moment of something that means so much to them.


So I welcome you all to the Hydro in Glasgow, with an evening with Andre Rieu with the Johann Strauss Orchestra.


First off we start with Andre Rieu himself. Someone who has worked hard with the aim to make classical more accessible for the masses.


Where performances of recognisable classical pieces are also mixed in with contemporary music as well.


For instance, soprano Anna Majchrzak is performing Think of Me from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera


While Carmen Monarcha would perform Puccini's 'Un Bel De Vedremo' from Madame Butterfly


And Donij Van Doorn performing 'Vilja Song' from the operetta 'The Mary Widow'


It's not all about vocal performances, as orchestra members also have their own solo moments to perform, such as the case with Manoe Konings who performed Amazing Grace on the Highland Bagpipes, which always goes down well with the Scottish Audience!


One of the major parts of an Andre Rieu concert is really, fun, just not getting caught up in tradition and formality.



Also as a major part to the final third of the show, is the whole "going home" segment which tends to last around 40 minutes and involves the whole orchestra, tenors, sopranos and Andre all getting into the joviality and fun



There is also a running joke within this with the tenor Béla Mavrák where he would try and enjoy a glass of champagne or a pitcher of beer, but whenever he would try one of the girls would take the champagne or Andre take the beer away from him. Always a laugh as poor Béla never gets to have his drink 😂




But I will end this with what has become an ever-popular concert shot of recent times with performers. Them playing with the crowd in the background.

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