Molly, A Beautiful Sunset and A Dandelion


Who Said Photography Can’t Be Spontaneous and Goofy?

Well I know one girl who would say that, Molly! She’s not much in to photography, not much into sunsets, and definitely doesn’t give two hoots about dandelions. Actually she scared crapless of dandelions. And I’ll get to that.


There was one heck of a sunset tonight..

And since we’ve all been under the weather lately it was nice to get outside and breathe in the cool air and see the breathtaking beauty in the sky. It was almost as if an artist had painted the sky a beautiful orange. I framed up the clouds and setting sun, coupled by the reflection of the water, in order to try to capture its beauty at the fullest. I don’t think I did this sunset justice, but I did my best! The funny thing with sunsets is that they are always dynamic meaning they’re always changing. You do have to be quick sometimes about taking those photographs before the sun dips down below the horizon and the colors fade.

Here are the photographs I captured of tonight‘s sunset, while Molly just chilled in the grass by my feet.





Living by a lake means that wildlife is always present. Tonight it was nice because I could hear the geese flying off the lake out around the edges and then landing back on the water. Molly doesn’t care too much for the flying birds overhead because they cash shadows and she just can’t figure out why anything would be moving through the sky unless it was out to hurt her. Usually she runs towards the door and heads in but this time she did not.


The Dandelion ..

I happened to look down and found a perfectly intact, round, white fluffy dandelion. Usually these are gone by now. I was surprised to see this little guy still in the grass.


Of course I couldn’t help myself and I plucked it from the grass and I thought this would look pretty cool up against that bright orange sunset. So what did I do next? I held up the dandelion to the setting sun and rattled off a few photographs. Spontaneity in photography sometimes delivers interesting and cool photos. I think these photographs came out pretty cool and we’re mediocrely creative.







And Then There Was Molly ..

Like I said she was just chilling in the yard waiting for me to get done taking pictures. She had a light shiver come over her cold body and I knew it was time to head inside.


Before I did I blew on the dandelion and let all the little seeds fly into the yard to grow more plants next year. I’m sure my neighbors don’t care for me blowing dandelions around since they don’t want them growing in their lawn. I’ve given up on keeping the perfect lawn, so I really don’t care.


Molly looked up and saw me blowing the seeds all over the place off of the dandelion. She wasn’t having any parts of this shenanigans and took off as fast as she could running.

Oh well, it was time to go in anyhow. It’s dinner time for Molly and me.

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!


All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.


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