Cold But Beautiful

It was a pretty cold day here in my hometown, around negative 22C with the wind chill. Despite the freezing temps the sun was shining and the lighting was fairly good so I decided to head out and snap a few pics.

The first one here, the sun was nearing the horizon. If you loo closely you in the area where the sun is setting you will notice all the long liners up on shore.

Here you will see the ice capped break water near the inner harbor. These rocks are a common place to hang out in the summer time. Probably wouldn't be wise to try climbing on them now though lol. In the background is just a small area of town.

This one is a zoomed on the location above. I like how the ice looked with the light from the sunset.

I would have loved to capture some more today but it was just too cold. The winds around here will get you every time.

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