I have been water

Hornstrandir, Iceland.

There something ancient and new at the same time here.
The elements of nature with their ancestral strength, and the feeling of a new landscape born from the ocean. In Iceland you can feel the past and the future of the Earth, at the same time.

"Acqua sono stata,
questo lo so.
Sono stata acqua e vento.
Una pioggia su qualcosa
che ero stata tempo addietro.
Un giuramento.
Un bastimento fra onde altissime.
Forse anche il mare.
E dunque – di cosa dovrei avere paura
(Mariangela Gualtieri)

Here translation from Italian language to English:
"I have been water,
I know this.
I have been water and wind.
Rain on something
that I had been some time ago.
An oath.
A wait.
A ship among very high waves.
Maybe even the sea.
So – what should I be afraid of?

We are all little streams waiting to become the same immeasurable ocean, the same water, the same thing, no longer separated.

Nikon D800.
August 2015

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