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Some Autumn nostalgia and its wonderful landscapes

It was a beautiful October day in 2021, on a sunny road that descended from the mountain to reach the valley ...

the meanders of the road mingled with the hilly landscape and accentuated the curves,

and we stopped to immortalize these beautiful moments,
which I'm happy I did, because I can now immerse myself in the sweetness of this autumn day,

when the sun generously offered us the warmth of its rays, and nature adorned with a thousand colors stretched gently under our eyes amazed of so much splendor ...

As always BlueWonkies are supporting communities ! 👇

Feathered Friends community by @melinda010100


Amazing Nature community by @adalger


Always a Flower community by @dswigle


Market Friday by @dswigle


Feel Good community by @barbara-orenya
