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The pleasure of photographing children in nature

Hello to all lovers of photography

I hope your heart is great and spring. In today's post.

I want to share with you the memory of the time of photographing a curly-haired girl, as well as two devil vectors who had booked together for photography.

My daughter Denise was curly, whose mother had brought some clothes and accessories to photograph, but Denise did not cooperate with us. Of those two brothers, the little brother was not smooth at all, but I was indefatigable.

I will not give up until I take a good photo. This photographic memory is related to the early summer of last year.

Shadi Park is one of the nearby parks in the city, which is the focus of many photographers and even the general public for photography all season long.

The heat had not yet reached its peak.

And it did not bother the heat when photographing. At the beginning of the post, I will share with you one of the photos of Denise, the edited daughter of Mofarfari.


The rest of the photos I take from this angle are unedited, and just look at Denise's face, how she did not cooperate.😄😄


Of course, the girl tried very hard to kill the dandelion.😉😉😉😄😄😄





I liked the feel of this next photo.



In the next two photos, the sunshine was very beautiful, but Denise was tired.

In another corner of the park was a small berry bush. I asked Denise to sit on a chair so she wouldn't get bored and I could take a picture.



We were indefatigable. Despite the children's grunts, Denise's mother decided to gather her hair and put on another dress.


It was almost good in this photo, but the next shots were mischievous.



These were Ms. Deniz's photos and a corner of her mischief and boredom.😉😉

After Deniz, Amir Ali and Amir Mohammad also came to photograph the park. Amir Ali, the little brother who did not have the patience to listen to us and take pictures.

No matter how much my mother insisted, but Amir Ali .... .😄😄

Amir Mohammad was also getting tired that his little brother did not listen.

The age difference was such that I think Amir Mohammad did not have the patience to complain about his brother.

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In this photo, Amir Ali is completely tired and bored and Amir Mohammad is just laughing.

In another shot, he realized that we no longer wanted to take pictures and he wanted to go, he smiled a little and stood next to his brother.

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This was the memory of two times of photographing the children of the devil.

However, the output of work and the capture of moments that we may not even think about, happen and we have the best photos.

I hope I was able to convey the feeling of the photos and enjoy seeing the pictures.

I am waiting for your support friends.😉😉😉

Device:canon 5d mark lll by 24_70 usmll f 2.8

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