The Squirrel-photomodel (5pics)

Greetings friends.
Last time I told you about coots and said goodbye that I was in a hurry to meet a squirrel. This meeting took place.

I love visiting my son in the Russian North. He lives in a closed city, and to get into it you need to have a special pass. What do I like here? Fishing and walking in the city park, which is located on the shore of the lake. Squirrels live in this park, which are used to approaching people and taking nuts out of their hands.
Children especially like to feed squirrels. Sometimes they even fight about it among themselves.
I specially came to the park in the morning so that there would be no children and I could safely watch the squirrels. And I was not disappointed in my expectations. Squirrels gave me wonderful moments.

One amazing squirrel climbed up on a stump and began to pose for me like a model. She sat on her hind legs and was not afraid of my presence. It was as if she liked that I was looking at her and shooting with my camera.

The day before, I was in the park with my granddaughter. She specially took nuts with her to feed the squirrels. I didn't even think about doing that.
It was as if the squirrels were waiting for her and one of them joyfully ran up to her.
My granddaughter told me later that she even distinguishes this squirrel from the rest. Of course, I didn't believe her.
But what's interesting is that last week I talked to a man in our city who goes to the park every morning to feed squirrels. He even gave them nicknames. He is a military pensioner, does not work anywhere, lives alone and now his whole life is devoted to communicating with these squirrels.

I think that I will continue the cycle of showing these naughty red fluffy-tailed guys. It is the redheads. I don't visit this city in winter. In winter, the squirrels turn gray. It's too far to go. I think that in winter I will try to observe the squirrels in our city.


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