Pictures from the 2019 Climate March, Montreal


I was going trough my computer and stumble upon theses photographs. I immediately started to feel nostalgic of the pre-pandemic world. I never published any of these pictures back then because they were too different of my Fashion/Portrait work. I don't care anymore...


It was in september 2019 , almost 500 000 people showed up, Greta Thundberg was leading the way (Unfortunately wasn't able to take a snapshot of her). I saw it as a perfect opportunity to practice my photojournalism skills. I always been drawn the this genre since the time I attended my first World Press Photo exhibit. I think thats photojournalism is one the most powerful medium to convey a message. Hopefully I'm not too bad at it...




It was beautiful to see how engaged everyone was, the energy, the optimism despite everything. Artists, Politicians, the old and the young united just for one day. Man I miss this.....




Even if I'm pretty much an introvert who hates crowds, I dont regret going out that day one bit. I even got the chance to meet one of my favorite artists, Patrick Watson. (guy with the blue shades)




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