Askole kids

Living in one of the most remote villages in the world, the children of Askole develop a deep connection with nature from an early age.
Life here, however, is not easy. The harsh climate, lack of modern amenities, and limited access to education pose significant challenges.

Education is their greatest need and biggest hope. Local schools, though scarce and under-resourced, are lifelines for these kids. Many dream of contributing to their community, learning new skills, and perhaps one day climbing the very peaks that have shaped their lives. Initiatives to bring more educational opportunities and resources to Askole are critical in supporting these aspiration.
In their laughter, games, and mountain adventures, the children of Askole embody the essence of mountain life—steadfast, adventurous, and hopeful. Though they may live in the shadows of some of the highest peaks on earth, their dreams know no bounds.

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