Absolutely yes! [Eng-Esp]

In the last days of December I had one of the most emotional and special sessions I have done since I started my work as a photographer.José contacted me from Spain to do a photo session with Paula and him during his visit to the island.What Paula didn't know was that behind the typical photo session there was a bigger surprise coming.The Mallorcan had an ace up his sleeve and a ring in his pocket, we had previously coordinated that the pose of putting them both with their backs to each other for a photo was going to be the signal for Jose to take advantage and take out the ring, the plan went perfectly.
When I asked the couple to change their pose, Paula turned around and José was already on one knee, showing her the ring and asking the transcendent question.the evening was filled with magic with Paula's answer.a marriage proposal is a very serious thing,I was very happy for the trust placed in me to record such a precious moment.I hope you like the pictures,enjoy the beginning of this beautiful story.

En los últimos días de diciembre tuve una de las sesiones más emotivas y especiales que he realizado desde que comencé mi labor como fotógrafo.José me contacto desde España para que le hiciera una sesión de fotos a Paula y a él durante su visita a la isla.Lo que Paula no sabía era que detrás de la típica sesión de fotos se venía una sorpresa mayor.El Mallorquín se traía un as bajo la manga y un anillo en el bolsillo.Previamente ya habíamos coordinado que la pose de ponerlos a ambos pegando sus espaldas para una foto iba a ser la señal para que José aprovechara y sacará la sortija, el plan salió a la perfección.
Cuando le pedí a la pareja que cambiaran de pose,Paula se giró y ya José estaba con rodilla en tierra , mostrándole el anillo y haciendo la trascendente pregunta.La tarde se llenó de magia con la respuesta de Paula.Una propuesta de matrimonio es una cosa muy seria,yo quedé super contento por la confianza depositada para registrar tan preciado momento.Espero les gusten las fotos,disfruten del inicio de esta bella historia.

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