A trunk and ballet slippers - eng/esp

For me it was the first time that I had Yani in front of me. The date was in the protected park and we were surprised to see that in addition to her bicycle, she had brought ballet slippers. What do we do with that in this place that has nothing solid and firm to show off such specific and specialized footwear? We immediately thought about going out to the avenue, where we were sure to have a few poses, but perhaps my lack of enthusiasm for leaving the park made me look for some excuse where this spectacular model and her ballerinas would also work. So we went to find these two trunks that were quite visible in the grass, and at the right time because the light fell on them perfectly, to contrast it with the dark background of the foliage. Wonderful find! She climbed in, got comfortable and started posing like a fairy before going to sleep. The results are before your eyes. What do you think?

Para mi era la primera vez que tuve a Yani delante de mi. La cita era en el parque protegido y nos sorprendió ver que además de su bicicleta, había llevado unas zapatillas de ballet. Qué hacemos con eso en este lugar que no tiene nada sólido y firme para que luzcan ese calzado tan específico y especializado? Enseguida pensamos en salir para la avenida, donde de seguro iban a impactar unas cuantas poses, pero quizás mi poco entusiasmo para salir del parque me hizo buscar alguna excusa donde también funcionara esta modelo espectacular y sus ballerinas. Así que fuimos a dar con estos dos troncos que asomaban bastante en el pasto, y a la hora precisa porque la luz daba en él perfectamente, para contrastarla con el fondo oscuro del follaje. Maravilloso hallazgo! Ella se subió, se acomodó y comenzó a posar como un hada antes de irse a dormir. Los resultados lo tienen ante vuestros ojos. Qué les parece?

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