Esp- El encanto de una rosa / Eng -The charm of a rose


Nada como una flor para otra flor y podría decir que una flor es un gran detalle a la hora de obsequiarlas. Las flores son un esplendor y algo que cauta a todos, no conozco a nadie que no le guste las flores y por su puesto mucho menos a una dama.

Nothing like a flower for another flower and I could say that a flower is a great detail when it comes to giving them away. Flowers are a splendor and something that captivates everyone, I don't know anyone who doesn't like flowers and of course much less a lady.

Una rosa para mi madre / A rose for my mother.


Como lo había mencionado en el titulo y en la pequeña introduccion, una flor es una bonito detalle para obsequiar, desde luego que los tiempos cambian y quizás ya no sean como antes donde ese tipo de detalles eran algo muy popular y encantador. Aun en estos tiempos conozco personas que encantadas por estas pequeñas acciones se sienten alagadas y encantadas por algo como una flor.

As I mentioned in the title and in the short introduction, a flower is a nice detail to give as a gift, of course times change and maybe it's not like before where those kinds of details were something very popular and charming. Even in these times I know people who, enchanted by these small actions, feel flattered and enchanted by something like a flower.


La rosa de la cual tanto menciono es un obsequio que le hice a mi madre en un dia especial que salí con ella y pasar un momento agradable con ella, ya que como no salgo mucho con ella por cuestiones laborales , aproveche ese momento para dedicárselo completamente a ella, al verla decidí darle una rosa como algo especial por ser el momento especial, la persona que siempre ha estado allí para mi incondicionalmente, el ser que me dio la vida y que me crio de la manera mas adecuada convirtiendome en el el hombre luchador que soy.

The rose that I mention so much about is a gift that I gave my mother on a special day that I went out with her and spent a pleasant moment with her, because since I don't go out much with her for work reasons, I took advantage of that moment to dedicate it completely to her, seeing her I decided to give her a rose as something special for being the special moment, the person who has always been there for me unconditionally, the being who gave me life and who raised me in the most appropriate way becoming He is the fighting man that I am.



Dicen que detrás de cada hombre siempre habrá una mujer, tiene algo de cierto ese refrán porque si no fuese por mi madre sepa dios que clase de persona hubiese sido. Salir con mi madre a caminar, cenar y obsequiarle una rosa me hizo sentir muy contento como hijo y poder pasar ese momento con mi madre, algo especial y de mucho significado para mi.

They say that behind every man there will always be a woman, there is something true in that saying because if it weren't for my mother, God knows what kind of person she would have been. Going out with my mother for a walk, dinner and giving her a rose made me feel very happy as a son and to be able to spend that moment with my mother, something special and very meaningful to me.

Bueno amigos quise compartirles esta anécdota que pase con mi madre, para mi es algo especial y esos detalles como flores, chocolates, escribir cartas entre otros, no es algo anticuado o viejo, el problema es que la tecnología ha hecho olvidar esos detalles que para mi valen mucho mas. =)

Well friends, I wanted to share with you this anecdote that happened with my mother, for me it is something special and those details like flowers, chocolates, writing letters among others, it is not something outdated or old, the problem is that technology has made us forget those details that for me are worth much more. =)

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