The Art of Letting Go: A Shallow Dive into My Mom's Shoe Collection

Hello Minimalists! It’s a new week, and I don’t know about you, but I’m very excited to receive the week’s blessings.

When it comes to owning stuff, there is always that one item that we want to have in abundance. I mean, we don’t even have to need it or use it for anything; just looking at it is sufficient for us.

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Personally, my thing used to be perfumes. It was always normal for me to go overboard when purchasing them at the market. But somewhere along the line, I realized I was just being wasteful and decided that minimalism was the way to go!

Unfortunately, I do have loved ones around me who “struggle” to curb their maximalist tendencies. Some are aware of what it means to be minimalist, while others are just trying not to cross the fine line between owning a little too much and straight up hoarding.

It was tricky picking one person to use as a case study, but I finally found the perfect someone. I introduce to you the most important person in my life, Mi Madre.

The funny thing is that my mom is not entirely maximalist. You could say she is a balanced mix between the two extremes. She is a very neat person; she detests clutter and is always on the lookout for things to decongest.

She's definitely a neat freak, which is something I inherited from her. That being said, I feel like she is at the stage of her life where she wants to enjoy her money and all the hard work she’s put into making it.

So every now and then, she splurges on items like bags/purses, shoes, and clothes. Surprisingly, I am all for it. I mean, she worked her behind off in order to make that dough.

And she has sacrificed her needs on multiple occasions in order to accommodate those of her kids. So it’s understandable that she gets herself some nice things.

However, she has complained once or twice about the “population” of her shoes. She loves herself a good shoe and is incapable of closing her wallet to a good deal. As a result of that, she had accumulated quite a number of shoes over the years.

Her shoe rack is filled to maximum capacity, and not every shoe even made it there. There are still some in the cupboard and some on the ground. I think, more than anything, it’s the lack of space to house all of them that causes her to feel a little overwhelmed.

She doesn’t get to use every single one of them every day, and at the rate at which she buys new ones, she doesn’t even get to use some for a significant period of time before she’s forced to switch to the next.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily affect our relationship in a negative way because I know it’s not a big deal. This is just one of those things she has to deal with.

Upon hearing her complaints, I usually advise that she give out the ones she doesn’t use anymore to her friends that need them. Another reason why I don’t stress about it is that she has the same shoe size as my sister.

And if I know anything about my sis, it’s that she will wear my mom’s shoe whenever she wants, wherever she wants😅. So in a way, the shoes are still being utilized properly.

Hopefully, she will win this battle 🤗 and come out victorious.

Images are property of yours truly

Do you have any helpful advice I could relay to her, Please drop ‘em in the comments below.

Thank you for reading 🤗❤️

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