Raiding My Smell Good Products…

Do you also have this particular aisle at the supermarket that you just naturally gravitate towards whenever you pay a visit there? Or do you ever have a list of things to get from the grocery store, but you end up buying this one thing that was never on the list? I’m sure we all have that one thing.

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For me, it changes every once in a while. But it rotates between hair products, books, perfumes, and deodorants. Whenever I see an isle of any of these items, my brain floods with dopamine, and I subconsciously make my way there.

Ever since I developed a curiosity for my hair and how to keep it healthy, I educated myself on the accurate hair products to use for my hair type. And since then, I’ve stayed on the lookout for the latest on hair products.

I also keep an eye open for novels and self help books. But these days, I chose to embrace the minimalist lifestyle, and so I gradually disposed of most of the unnecessary items in my possession. I gave out most of my books and reduced the number of hair products I had.

I tried to do the same for my perfumes but realized that the hold it had on me was way stronger than I thought. I absolutely love each and every one of them; doing away with them would only bring me anguish.

So I permitted myself to splurge on them. I practice minimalism in every other area of my life; going all out in this little area wouldn’t do much harm.

Besides, it’s always important to make a great first impression. What better way to do that than to have a signature scent?

Body Sprays & Deodorants

These are my deodorants and body sprays. As you can tell, I use artificial deodorants. I got three of them at my local supermarket and stole the fourth one from my elder brother’s collection 😅. My favourite among them is the first one from the left, Victory. It has this feminine scent to it and keeps me feeling fresh all day.

I use two out of the four every day and apply them once I get out of the shower.

My Oil Perfumes

At first, I was hesitant towards them because they were new and I didn’t know how to use them. I was scared they would leave stains on my clothes or react with detergents. But I got one from a vendor, and she explained to me how to use it. After testing out the first one, I loved the experience and got myself some more.

If you get the really good ones, the scent can stay on your clothes even after you wash them. Recently, I did get one that gave me a scar on my neck. I refrained from using that one but continued to get more.

Alcohol-based Perfumes

Finally, my OG perfumes! My mom got me the Versace perfume, and I fell in love with the scent. It leaves you smelling like royalty and opulence. The second one I got at a supermarket because I love the look of it. Lastly, my amazing body mist, I usually combine it with deodorant when I plan to stay indoors.

How do I Strike a Balance?

It is quite easy to go overboard when buying perfumes. What I do to ensure I do not waste money on them is to get a particular number of each and only replace it when the bottle is completely empty. That way, I prevent hoarding them. If I feel naughty and get myself one when I already have enough, I have to give out one from my collection.

Thanks for raiding my smell good products with me, have a great day🤗🤗.

All images used are the property of yours truly….

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