The Space We Create, When We Let Go

It started with a conversation. I had not long returned from work and was collecting some water so that I could do some washing. I had kind of got into a routine, even though the rebel in me usually resisted such things in the past.


But things change, so we must change with them and I can see the positive of having simple routines in place. It really comes down to how we perceive them.

As I began to unschool myself, many years ago, I wanted nothing to do with the so called conventional lifestyle.
I wanted to break away and find my own way, my own unique path.

As I got older and wiser, I understood that it is how we choose to perform each task, that really matters. That even having a daily routine has its advantages, it does not have to be seen as a repeatative action that can trap us into a certain way if thinking.

I know, I can think too much. But I was so intend on breaking free, that I rejected most things that tied me to my past life, one where I was fully integrated into society.

To fully withdraw, so that I could see more clearly.

But it always comes back to our mindset, how we choose to see things and how we choose to interact with the world around us.

I had this strong desire to strip everything back,everything that I had been taught and all that I thought I knew. To see the world anew, with fresh eyes. To shake off the baggage of my years.

To strip myself back to my core. A journey that I continue to take.
It may have started with the physical but now, now I delve deep within and shed, unearth, explore. Reconnect with parts of myself that have laid dormant, waiting for me to reach them and gently embrace them.

Changing me to my very core. Opening myself up to new possibilities. Choosing to see things in a different light. Letting go of the need to control and be in control.

It all started by letting things go. By creating more space in my life. Freeing my mind, my time, my thought process.

I shed and continue to shed. Learning I don't need to hold on to anything, that I can just allow everything, to come and go. Just like my breath.

I breathe in, and then I let it all out. Allowing all things to just flow through me. I remind myself of this daily.

When I had that recent conversation, that would normally have put me into a little bit of a panic, I sat with it and then I let it go.

Because all I have control over, is how I choose to react. That is what will have the greatest affect on me. So I Breathe in and out, my bare feet on the earth, the sun on my back. I feel my presence, I know my self worth. I know that I am worthy and that no matter what happens, all will be well.



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