How things generally put themselves in place.

My life is very simple. I would say I really do not have much fun like going to parties, clubbing or even hangouts but the little things I have in my life are kept simple and balanced through hardwork and determination.

I have realised over time that perfect planning is very important in one's life. "A messy life leads to messy future"--My personal quote. When your life is arranged orderly, the future looks very promising because easy will you go through schedules, tough times without being dishevelled. You will also feel a sense of belonging and satisfaction.

I run a 9 to 10 hours shift everyday on either AM or PM that I get really exhausted and so when I close from each shift, I fall on bed and sleep like a dead man in hope to wake for resumption again. As you would know obviously, I resume work late almost all the time and was given queries frequently until I had to do one thing....



This days all I have to do is to enter my phone, tap on alarm button and set up my alarm wake up time ⏲. Since I sleep deeply due to exhaustion, I preferably set the alarm tone to a more piercing sound so if need be I can be dragged out from that sleep even if I were on sleeping drugs.
Like I said I really have no much fun in my life. I am the sleeping type, work type, playing the piano 🎹, surfing through the Internet and posting on my blogs and writing articles... its very much difficult to actually sit down to write articles most especially when you're trying to be creative. I often realise that whenever I pick up a pen to write, I always get tempted to pick up my phone to search for some vocabularies and keywords and the rest is history. I lose 70 percent concentration to tiktok (God help me). So I developed a strategy that helped me to writing without distractions.



Since I spend most of my days in my workplace having just one day off in a week, I developed this strategy above. By 2am early in the mornings when everywhere gets quieted down, I turn off my phones, get my books, a bowl of chocolate sweets, two bottles of water and then I find an office desk around my station and thats it. That is my writing space and mood and the inspiration comes flowing. My phones switched off and faraway from me lessens any temptation towards it. The three reasons why I would leave that desk are:

  1. Work calls for me
  2. Need to use the toilet
  3. Done writing.

This strategy has helped me improve in my writing whilst coexisting in my workplace.
Many of us get carried away by work loads, fun and other activities that arouses our need that we sometimes forget who we are and what our goals are. It is very important that everyday we need to remind ourselves who we really are and what our goals are so that when we are giving our very best, we are not tempted to give up or complain hard. Another strategy which we already know on how we can remind ourselves who we really are is....



This is an act of being solemn or thoughtful. Many may call it "meditation " 🧘‍♀️. You only need to find a quiet time and a quiet place, gather your thoughts and focus on them. At that point no accessories, gadgets or anything that might cause you distraction should be around you. Meditatin has put me on a focus edge, put my life in order and also given me full power and strength.

Finally, i never underestimate the power of prayer. Saying prayers everyday has helped me to achieve certain things in my life. As you wish for it, prayer keeps things in check and arranges one's life. These are the few to mention and i hope you enjoyed it. And oh! This is my entry for this week minimalist topic.


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