Do you let go of physical and emotional things and experience ?

LET GO is simple but not simple to practice


How many of you true admirer of LET GO philosophy in life ? I am sure, a person who practices the LET GO philosophy in life, must be very calm, living a peaceful and happy life, because, its a very very powerful skill to master your emotions and once you are at that level, you lead a stress free life. This week's writing prompt (KISS #121) in the The MINIMALIST community is very compelling and I encourage you to participate, if it strikes you : What advice would you give to a friend who struggles to let go of physical and emotional things and experience ?


To give advice on any area, one should have expertise, and honestly, I am a novice and have started to practice this philosophy very recently, may be since a month or two. It's not easy to let go of things, especially if you are a perfectionist like me, because we challenge ourselves as well, to go and do things at extreme level (even small little things), that very few can do. And going to that level brings a level of accomplishment, which brings joy for us. So we expect the same from everyone else , but unfortunately, that is simply not possible, which I am trying to accept of late. And its just not confined to our work, its related to almost everything in life, even our relationships (emotional experience), daily routines (physical experience), or even materialistic things that we want to achieve.

So why am I trying to follow the LET GO principle of late ? Because if I do not, then its simply burning me. Expecting something, and seeing it not happen, creates anxiety which gets converted to frustrations or anger and anxiety is a silent killer, that kills us inside. Things were probably fine, till we were young, but as I started the third and last innings of life, I feel, acceptance of things is the biggest achievement of life, to lead a happy life. And it's not that its untold, it's just that its difficult to practice.

So how do we start ? At least I will share my personal experience, you guys can share yours. Of late, I am going through a lot of content related to divinity and I believe its not tied to any religion as such. So the divine teaches us to focus on our duty and not worry about anything else and seek happiness in performing our duty alone.

Bhagavad-Gita 2.47: You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.


In simple words, its doing our duty with no expectation and accepting whatever happens. I can say, It's a long way to get there, but I am happy that I have started the journey.

To conclude this post, let me justify the picture : I was watching few kids happily playing with these things in our society for more than a hour and when they finally left, I was curious to see what was their source of happiness. As you can see, these might mean nothing to us, but it left a powerful message to me : We have to find happiness in small little things and be grateful for what we have.

LET GO of physical and emotional things and experience, that are bad, and remember all the good things. What do you say ?


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