Living a Minimalist Lifestyle: My Experience of Contentment in Little Things

For as long as I can remember I was the type of person who wasn't bothered with material things. I always think–I'm not in competition with anyone. I'm always content with the little I had. I didn't get how some people stress over little things. I'd watched speechlessly how some of my friends go crazy over what to wear for an event even when they had a wardrobe full of clothes. I couldn't understand how that was possible.
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Most of my friends had to buy a new dress for every event we attended, the funny part is that they only wear it once and then store it in their wardrobe believing that they'd wear it someday.

My carefree attitude caused some of my friends to start questioning if I was normal at all. We'll be going for the same event and they'll be stressing while I appear non-challant. From clothes to shoes, hairs, bags, name it. Watching them stress was draining.

What they didn't understand was that I found contentment in very little things. Could be as little as the weather. I found joy in it. I didn't feel pressured to buy things I didn't need or try to keep up with other people. I was comfortable in my skin and didn't need validation from anyone.

On this particular day, as usual, they were invited to this event, and they decided to drag me along. It was this hangout that they always wanted to attend. According to them, it wasn't easy to get invited to that type of hangout so you could imagine their excitement. I was reluctant to go at first but decided to just tag along since I wouldn't hear the end of it if I didn't.

We all started preparing for the hangout. My friends like they always do stressed over what clothes to wear, and what shoes and bags to pair them with, I was in my corner at peace. I already knew what to wear so it wasn't a problem.

It got to the time for us to leave, I was waiting for the time my friends would decide they'd done enough dressing so we could go. We were already running late as it was. And it seems like the universe heard my prayers, they came out looking all sophisticated. Finally, I thought, we can go.

I started leading the way when I heard a very loud scream. I was like where is the fire only to find out that there was no fire but my dressing was the cause of the scream. I didn't understand, what was wrong with my dress. I loved that dress, how could they say I looked like a beggar in it?

It wasn't like there was anything wrong with the dress, it was nice they too agreed, only that it wasn't fit for the hangout they were attending. As for me, I didn't see anything wrong with it, while they provided me with a hundred and one reasons why that dress was just wrong.

What seemed like a playful banter soon developed into a full-blown shouting fit. They complained about how I always behaved nonchalantly toward everything and how they were just fed up with it. But I held my ground, I told them that I'll not let anyone try to change who I am or change because of anyone. They didn't take it well.

They told me that they'll stop taking me along anytime they are to go out. I said I wasn't interested if it meant that I'd have to pretend to be what I wasn't just to please them.

I can't blame them because I realized that we were different people who had different priorities and lifestyles. So I didn't hold it to heart. They tended to buy things they didn't need while I was more rational and thought twice before spending.

Looking back now I'm glad I didn't let people pleasing turn me into the person I'm not. Truth is living a minimal lifestyle has taught me a lot. It has helped me to reduce my expenses and increase my savings and frankly, I think that the world will be a better place with lots of minimalist in it.

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